BENEFIT FROM CUBAS ASSESSMENTS IN SEVERAL IMPORTANT WAYS Upskill your own in-house social work teams.

Local authorities can readily upskill their own ‘in-house’ social work teams through CUBAS tailored training programmes. Fully comprehensive CUBAS assessment training courses and licensing can be block purchased at significant discount for LA’s and secured at local venues. Block booked courses can also include court skills training at no extra cost.

CUBAS is fully Re D [2016] compliant & inclusive.

The model, the processes and the software combine to routinely provide for parents with additional learning needs. The software prompts application of built-in bespoke facilitation tools, and aids professional analysis to ensure full, fair and meaningful assessments and recommendations every time. A simplified report for parents is always included.

Built upon what actually works with families.

This thoroughly up to date evidence based and comprehensive model of assessment is built upon what actually works with families. The CUBAS approach meaningfully engages parents in the processes; encourages insight and recognition of their children’s needs. In addition to measuring knowledge and skills, CUBAS explores in detail the many factors which can obstruct safer parenting. The process also tests parental capacity to learn and change. CUBAS identifies strengths, unmet needs and residual risks, and support requirements.

CUBAS is fully comprehensive

Assessments are undertaken directly with families at any stage of local authority involvement circa 6-8 weeks. CUBAS ensures relevance, accessibility for all parents, and efficient, professional reporting. CUBAS is designed to remain a fully up to date framework. CUBAS addresses every relevant social issue and potential obstacle to safe care.

Timely Planning Decisions For Children.

Where change is possible, it is frequently evidenced within the process of assessment, thus assisting with more timely planning decisions for children in, or on the cusp of, the care of the local authority.

Get in touch

Are you a local authority with questions?

Call: 0330 043 4128 |

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